
Last version updated: 0.0.18

13 years ago, a exploration team was exploring Sh3-210 in the Cygnus arm when they spotted several unoidentified space objects, following no orbit. Research showed that they were inhabited by a staggering number of life forms and reacted aggressively against the researchers. Since then, the aliens have attacked multiple planets, completely consuming them to the point of desolation. Several lesser races have been wiped since they advent, and their ever growing numbers, unknown technology and disregard for their own losses has worried most of the galaxy organizations. However, due to distance and lack of unified command, there is no unified policy to fight back this menace.

TODO: Group by type or something

Army characteristics (25pts)

TL Initiative Supply level
1 D8 Normal

Acantophis Rex (Leader, 164pts)

A ridiculously big creature, it's part of the spearhead of the alien horde. Wielding massive claws, he can destroy most vehicles, and he can even ram his gargantuan body against buildings. While it doesn't a particularly solid shell, he has regeneration capabilities. Acantophis Rex represented by a Games Workshop figure, the Trygon.
Figure: A ridiculously big creature, it's part of the spearhead of the alien horde. Wielding massive claws, he can destroy most vehicles, and he can even ram his gargantuan body against buildings. While it doesn't a particularly solid shell, he has regeneration capabilities. Acantophis Rex represented by a Games Workshop figure, the Trygon.
TQ Morale Weapon Armor Characteristics
D10 D10 Claws, Spit Natural Armor Big Monster, Regeneration, Hard to Kill D10, Pain resistant, Hungry, Skeletal Augmentation, Leader+1

5 + 7 + 71 + 14 + 15 + 30 + 15 + 25 + 15 - 10 + 51 + 34

Acantophis (Infantry, 102pts)

The bulk of the horde, seems to be a underveloped version of the alien. They are capable of crawling at human speed, and can perform impressive leaps in close combat or going around obstacles. There are some variations, like some worms that can go underground. Acantophis represented using Games Workshop figures, the devourers.
Figure: The bulk of the horde, seems to be a underveloped version of the alien. They are capable of crawling at human speed, and can perform impressive leaps in close combat or going around obstacles. There are some variations, like some worms that can go underground. Acantophis represented using Games Workshop figures, the devourers.
TQ Morale Qty Weapons Armor Characteristics
D6 D6 6 Claws, Spit Natural Armor Group Entity, Hungry, Skeletal Augmentation, Cavemen CASEVAC, Tyrant
  • The unit may be of 8 for +21 points, gaining the Large unit doctrine characteristic
  • The unit may be of 10 for +42 points, gaining the Very large unit doctrine characteristic.
  • The unit may convert to Acantophis Subterraneis subspecies, worm-like creatures, for +30 points. Can't be taken if size of unit is increased. The unit loses Skeletal Augmentation but gains Infilltration characteristic.
  • The unit may convert to Acantophis Volatilis, winged creatures, for +15 points. Can't be taken if the unit size is increased. The unit gains Jump Troops.

10 + 3 + 3 6 + 6 + 15 + 30 - 10 + 56 + 5 - 10 + 5

Ophiophagus Rex (Leader, 132pts)

A mutation of the horde, although relatively common. Appears to have a completely disproportionated brain. A unknown mecanism allows it to produce heavy sonic attacks that produce resonance with human skulls. He can also use strong airborne hormones to confuse humans, resulting in friendly fire incidents. Ophiophagus Rex represented by a Games Workshop figure, the Zoanthrope.
Figure: A mutation of the horde, although relatively common. Appears to have a completely disproportionated brain. A unknown mecanism allows it to produce heavy sonic attacks that produce resonance with human skulls. He can also use strong airborne hormones to confuse humans, resulting in friendly fire incidents. Ophiophagus Rex represented by a Games Workshop figure, the Zoanthrope.
TQ Morale Weapon Armor Characteristics
D10 D10 Large resonance attack Natural Armor Very Large, Regeneration, Hard to Kill D6, Skeletal Augmentation, Leader+1, Domination

5 + 7 + 71 + 14 + 15 - 10 + 15 + 10 + 51 + 30 34

Dendroaspis (Infantry, 107pts)

Apparently using the same sonic mechanism, this species is capable of performing long range attacks. However, it presents a completely different morphology, closer to jellyfish. Dendroaspis represented using figures from CPModels, the Medusharks.
Figure: Apparently using the same sonic mechanism, this species is capable of performing long range attacks. However, it presents a completely different morphology, closer to jellyfish. Dendroaspis represented using figures from CPModels, the Medusharks.
TQ Morale Qty Weapons Armor Characteristics
D6 D6 6 Resonance attack Natural Armor Group Entity, Cavemen CASEVAC, Designated Marksman
  • The unit may be of 8 for +11 points, gaining the Large unit doctrine characteristic
  • The unit may be of 10 for +22 points, gaining the Very large unit doctrine characteristic.

10 + 3 + 3 * 6 + 6 + 15 + 30 + 5 + 10 + 10

Micropechis (Infantry, 92pts)

This mutation has an overly developed mouth, with ridiculous strength. However, the rest of the creature is quite underveloped, and has a small size. Micropechis made with Mini-Bugs from GZG/Dirtside Miniatures.
Figure: This mutation has an overly developed mouth, with ridiculous strength. However, the rest of the creature is quite underveloped, and has a small size. Micropechis made with Mini-Bugs from GZG/Dirtside Miniatures.
TQ Morale Qty Weapons Armor Characteristics
D6 D6 6 Claws, Spit Natural Armor Group Entity, Hungry, Small target, Cavemen CASEVAC, Tyrant
  • The unit may be of 8 for +11 points, gaining the Large unit doctrine characteristic
  • The unit may be of 10 for +22 points, gaining the Very large unit doctrine characteristic.

10 + 3 + 3 * 6 + 6 + 15 + 30 - 10 + 20 + 5 - 10 + 5

Gárgola (temporal) (Leader, 99pts)

Temporal name! Rename gren launcher to something proper. No images yet...
Figure: Temporal name! Rename gren launcher to something proper. No images yet...
TQ Morale Weapon Armor Characteristics
D10 D10 Grenade Launcher Natural Armor Very Large, Regeneration, Hard to Kill D6, Skeletal Augmentation, Jump Troops

5 + 7 + 71 + 14 + 15 - 10 + 15 + 10 + 51 + 15 + 16

Spore (Infantry, 142pts)

Temporal name! No images yet...
Figure: Temporal name! No images yet...
TQ Morale Qty Weapons Armor Characteristics
D6 D6 6 Resonance attack Natural Armor Group Entity, Designated Marksman, Cavemen CASEVAC, Explode, Hot Drop

10 + 3 + 3 * 6 + 6 + 15 + 30 + 5 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 25

Scorpion (Leader, 136pts)

Temporal name! Rename light mortar to something proper. No images yet...
Figure: Temporal name! Rename light mortar to something proper. No images yet...
TQ Morale Weapon Armor Characteristics
D10 D10 Light Mortar Natural Armor Very Large, Regeneration, Hard to Kill D6, Skeletal Augmentation

5 + 7 + 71 + 14 + 15 - 10 + 15 + 10 + 51 + 68

List example (1500pts)

Troop Points
Army base cost 25


Claws Melee weapon, +1 Firepower in Close Assault.
Highly Venomous Spit Shotgun, +1 Firepower at Optimum Range and Close Assault. Use D6 outside Optimum Range.
Spit Damage Projectors, behaves like a ranged attack with the creature's Optimum Range. -1 to the enemy armor.
Large resonance attack +1 Firepower to squad, gain the sniper rule (all in Optimum range, can designate 1 casualty, Intimidating).
Resonance attack Rifles, the squad also has Designated Marksman
Dominator Action. The enemy unit must be within 8". Resolve 6D8 vs Morale of the unit. If the dominator rolls more successes, the unit is dominated. Otherwise, the dominator must make a Morale check to not become Pinned. The dominated units can be activated (even if they have already), moving and/or shooting. Dominated units cant take no further actions or reactions (other than return fire). It ends at the end of the turn. The dominator can only make one domination attempt per turn.
Explode Pyrrhic Attacks. When the unit has received casualties in close assault, they receive a D6 attack equal to half of the casualties (rounded up). The enemy units throws defense as normal. Any result is resolved inmediatelly.
Group Entity TQ and morale depends on the number of aliens. With 1, the unit is brain dead and counts as wiped out. 2 = D6, 4 = D8, 6+ = D10.
Hard to Kill D10 When taking casualties, roll a D10. With a 4+, they are unhurt. Weapons with unmodified firepower of 3D make a dieshift in the hard to kill test. If dropped below D6, they can't make the roll.
Hard to Kill D6 Same but D6
Hot Drop When deploying as reinforcement, choose any point on the board. The unit deploys there and follows the rules for hot drops.
Hungry When defeating a unit in Close Assault or coming into cohesion with (enemy, if not cannibals) wounded , they must make a TQ to avoid eating them. If they eat the tasty flesh, they must make no further actions other than return fire or Close Assault. They suffer a negative die shift in those cases.
Infiltration After deployment, and following the deployment order, they may move up to 24", as long as they end 6" away from any enemy unit. Can only be taken by Leaders and Weapon Teams.
Natural Armor TL1, 1D armor. Can't be taken if the unit uses normal armor. Since they are considered race-specific, all units in the force must use Natural Armor.
Pain resistant Treat Light wounds as OK.
Regeneration Active trauma treatment, they can make First Aid Checks without healthy units around. They are always counted as if being treated by a medic.
Skeletal Augmentation +1 Armor die, stacks with armor.
Tyrant One of the member of the unit is considered a Tyrant. If it dies, and no Leader is in the troops Optimum Range, the unit sufferes a Negative Die Shift to the TQ and Morale, and must pass a TQ test before they can be activated or react. Can't be taken by leaders.
Big Monster Units in close combat against this suffer a -1 Die Shift to their morale. Units firing this have +1 Firepower. Can't join units of other sizes. +4 Firepower or AT 3 in close assault. Basic defense of 4D.

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