Preparing a game

While Tomorrow's War is scenario based, and this allows for great games, sometimes you just don't have the time, don't know what forces you are going to play with and\/or against, or simply don't know how to create a fun, simple scenario that is balanced for both players. While campaign rules exist, they are more complex, especially outside the context of a campaign. These steps will help you with that.

First thing to do is talk to you opponent and agree to the number of points to play a match. Generally, you will want to play at 500-750 for small scale games, and 1000-1500 for larger games. You will also need a table, which is 4'x4' (120cmx120cm) in games with less than 1000 points, and 4'x6' (120cmx180cm) for larger games.

To generate the scenario, throw 1D6 and consult this table:

D6 Mission Description
1 Convoy Your forces must try to cross the table
2 Sabotage Destroy several objetives
3 Take and hold Hold several objetives
4 Rescue Rescue a civilian and escort him out of danger
5 Control Take control of the area
6 Annihilation Battle

Then, determine who is the attacker and who is the defender. This is resolved like the intiative. The player who wins is the attacker.

Finally, use the setup rules for each scenario for terrain and deployment of forces.

Reinforcements: All reinforcements appear like Hot spots. Instead of 5D6, use D6, and for each result + that is at least 8, a unit appears. That is, turn 1 die at turn 2, and one unit appears with a 6. At turn 3, two dice at 5+, at turn 4, three dice at 4+... To deploy, they should appear on the original deployment border. If the scenario uses deployment zones, they can appear from anywhere in that zone, at least 12" away from any enemy unit and from a scenery element.



The defender puts a road of at least 5' (150cm) crossing the table to oposite edges (in case of large games, the long edges). These are called the "road end edges". Then both players place terrain elements, alternating and starting with the defender.


The defender deploys all of his units in any place of the place, as long as he is 12" away from any of the road end edges.

The attacker then chooses any of road end edges and deploys all his forces at 6" from the edge and 24" from the road end.


Initiative The attacker has the initiative the first turn. After the first turn, initiative is calculated normally.
Turns 6
Victory condition Whoever has the most Victory points
Attacker Victory Points +2 for each soldier that crosses the other border. +3 for each vehicle.
Defender Victory Points +1 for each soldier killed. +2 for each vehicle inmovilized or destroyed.



Both players place the terrain alternating, starting with the defender. Then, they 5 place objetive markers (generators, key political people, important vehicles.. etc), just like terrain (starting with the defender and alternating). Objetives must be more than 12" between them, and must be placed 12" away from any border.


The defender chooses a long table edge and deploys all his forces on his half of the table. Then the attacker deploys at 6" of the opposite table edge.


Initiative The attacker has the initiative the first turn. After the first turn, initiative is calculated normally.
Turns 6
Victory condition Whoever has the most Victory points
Attacker Victory Points +3 for each objetive destroyed.
Defender Victory Points +2 for each unit or vehicle destroyed
Notes Objetives are just markers. They are a small element (smaller than 3"x3") that provides simple cover. They are destroyed automaitcally by the attacker when any infantry unit moves at 6" or less of one.
Figure: Summary

Take and Hold


The defender places a building, rough hill or any other type of terrain that is larger than 10x10cm and smaller than 30x30cm and places it in the center of the board. Then both players place scenery alternatively, starting with the attacker.


The defender choses a long table edge and deploys the first unit, at 6". The attacker then deploys another unit at the opposite edge. This continues until both players have deployed all their troops.


Initiative The initiative is calculated normally.
Turns 6
Victory condition Controlling the central element (having at least 1 allied unit and no enemy unit inside)
Attacker\/Defender Victory Points +2 for each unit or vehicle destroyed



Both players place the terrain alternating, starting with the defender. Finally, the defender adds a miniature representing a hostage at 6" from the center.


The defender places up to half of his forces, rounding down, in a circle of 12" around the hostage. The attacker then chooses a long edge and deploys his army at 6" from the edge. The defender places the rest of his troops at 6" of the opposite edge.


Initiative The attacker has the initiative the first turn. After the first turn, the initiative is calculated normally.
Turns 4*
Victory condition The attacker wins if the hostage escapes from the deployment edge of the attacker.
Attacker\/Defender Victory Points +3 Regaining control of the hostage, +2 for each unit or vehicle destroyed
Notes The hostage is essentially and marker, and the civilians rules are not used to avoid complexity. The hostage is controlled by a faction if there is a infantry unit or leader and no enemy within 3". If that unit performs a Move action, the hostage will follow. The hostage can only move once per turn. If the unit gets into a vehicle, so will he. After turn 4, the game will finish at the end of any turn where the hostage is not controlled by the attacker.



Both players place the terrain alternating, starting with the defender.


The defender deploys his first unit in any of the quadrant of the board and 12" away from the center. Then the attacker deploys his first unit at the opposite quadrant, 12" away from any enemy unit and the center. This continues until both players have deployed all their troops.


Initiative The initiative is calculated normally.
Turns 6
Victory condition Controlling more sections than the oponent. Sections are 60x60 sections evenly distributed in the board. A section is controlled if it contains troops only from one side.
Attacker\/Defender Victory Points +2 for each unit or vehicle destroyed



Both players place the terrain alternating, starting with the defender.


The defender places his first unit at 6" of the long table edge that he chooses. Then the attacker deploys in the opposite edge. This continues until both players have deployed up to half of their armies (rounded down). The rest of the army will come automatically at turn 2.


Initiative The initiative is calculated normally.
Turns 6
Victory condition Whoever has more victory points.
Attacker\/Defender Victory Points +2 for each unit or vehicle destroyed

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